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2016 World Cup Rhythmic Gymnastics (Berlin, Germany).  Melitina Staniouta, Ganna Rizatdinova, Katsiaryna Halkina, Dina Averina, and other elite gymnasts compete for Gold!

2018 Figure Skating (Rostelecom Cup) - Free Dance: Alexandra Stepanova-Ivan Bukin, Sara Hurtado-Kirill Khaliavin, Christina Carreira-Anthony Ponomarenko, and other elite figure skaters compete for the Grand Prix Gold! 

2018 Figure Skating (Rostelecom Cup) - Rhythm Dance + Pairs' Short Program: Alexandra Stepanova-Ivan Bukin, Evgenia Tarasova-Vladimir  Morozov, Christina Carreira-Anthony Ponomarenko, and other elite figure skaters compete for the Grand Prix Gold! 

2018 Figure Skating (Rostelecom Cup) - Pairs' Free Skate: Evgenia Tarasova-Vladimir Morozov, Nicole Della Monica-Matteo Guarise, Daria Pavliuchenko-Denis Khodykin, and other elite figure skaters compete for the Grand Prix Gold! 

2018 Figure Skating (Rostelecom Cup) - Ladies' Short Program: Alina Zagitova, Sofia Samodurova, Alexia Paganini, and other elite figure skaters compete for the Grand Prix Gold! 

Las peleas de Carlos Monzon 3 DVD Set: 

Boxing collection for Carlos Monzon (3 DVDs).  Carlos Monzon fue el mas grande boxeador de Argentina y probablemente uno de los mejores boxeadores de todos los tiempos.  Peleas:  1. Monzon vs Benvenutti (KO y se consagra campeon!) 2. Monzon vs Benvenutti (revancha y abandono del italiano!) 3. Monzon vs Griffith 4. Monzon vs Buttier 5. Monzon vs Mantequilla Napoles (abandono!) 6. Monzon vs Anthony William Mundine (KO!) 7. Monzon vs Tona (KO!) - Cada DVD en blanco y negro. Narrafo en espanol, sin subtitulos.

Boxing: Sergio "Maravilla" Martinez  vs Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. Narracion y comentarios en ingles. Imperdible! What a fight!! Narrated in English.